Life is kind of like a jigsaw puzzle, but a puzzle in which many of the pieces may be interchangeable. With interlocking and overlapping pieces we navigate through life in the best way that we can, learning and growing and finding the smoothest path for ourselves. When we hit a bump in the road we […]
Early memories and emotions.
How do we even know which of our emotions are which. Do we even attribute them the same descriptive words? Maybe my understanding of excitement would be your anxiety. My guilt could be your feeling of being responsible. Had I labeled some of my own emotions incorrectly all my life? This is complicated stuff!
Travel feeds the soul.
When we come to a crossroads in our life we have choices. But as well as the choice of which direction we choose to take, we also have the choice of how we will make that decision. We may question ourselves, procrastinate or even come to a complete standstill if our thoughts overwhelm us. We […]
How my experience of an abusive relationship can help you
I wrote this article because I’m asked so many times how it can be possible to move on from an abusive relationship. People wonder how is it that my past no longer affects me, whether I have regrets and how I can now trust again. But first things first, let me remind you; you WILL […]
Estrangement from different perspectives
As an estranged parent I am living through estrangement from one perspective: my own; but as a coach I deal with estrangements from several perspectives – and I must never assume that my own lived experience is the same as my clients’ experiences. Every single situation is individual and unique although there are some patterns […]
Why do people stay in abusive relationships?
How many times do you hear, ‘If I were in an abusive relationship I would leave’? Did you know that the above statement may even force someone deeper into an unhealthy relationship rather than encouraging them to leave – but why is it that people don’t escape at the first signs of toxic behaviour? In […]
The anxiety toolkit
I’ve pulled together many things relating to anxiety and made them available here for everyone. Please feel free to share so that it might help others too. For further reading, click here for a previous article of mine which explains more about anxiety and panic attacks. The first thing that I want to make quite […]
My personal grounding routine for anxiety
I’ve been asked by many people how I personally cope during periods of heightened anxiety or a panic attack so I hope the following helps you in some way. Do remember though, that we’re all different and you need to discover what routine works best for you. If you’d like some help to gently uncover […]
Ask yourself: What’s holding me back?
What price would you put on finding the confidence to live the life that you want and not one that is expected of you? Or maybe a better question would be…what’s holding you back? There are many reasons why you might be stuck in a rut or wondering how things could ever be different, but […]
My silent retreat at Vipassana Malaysia
I survived ten days in a silent retreat! I survived ten days with no talking, no communication of any kind and no gestures or body language towards others (apart from the teacher on a couple of occasions), but to be honest, no talking was actually the easiest part. I had been thinking about signing up […]
Abuse stories
There’s a lot of information out there about dealing with abuse. You can get support in online forums, Facebook Groups or via the Freedom Programme in the UK, whilst many groups at local and national level offer advice. As you would expect, many books have also been written about this huge topic over the years. […]
Characteristics of a manipulative person
Is a bully a narcissist? […]
How to get your life together
In this article I am going to explain a process that you can use to get back on track when you feel that your life is running out of control or is taking you in a different direction to the one that you had hoped. It’s also useful when you feel stuck in a rut […]
Your life choices: you can change things around
The time will eventually come when you have to let go of the things that are causing you distress if you want to be happy. Or you can continue to allow them to affect every aspect of your life – you have a choice. I wrote that first paragraph while sitting on a rock at […]