Coaching Products

Modern coaching employs different techniques because we all have different learning style and we all have different desired outcomes.

  • Life balance: discover why certain aspects of your life may be out of balance and learn how you can correct the equilibrium
  • Being happy: Understand what negative thoughts are holding you back and identify the values that are important to you.
  • Inspiration: If you find that you are stuck and unable to move forward I can help you to understand why you are feeling overwhelmed or procrastinating.
  • Believe in yourself: You will learn how to believe in yourself and silence your inner critique.

One-to-one coaching, online courses, books, websites, group sessions and retreats all have a place, but online coaching has an advantage because sessions can be organised around busy schedules and different time zones.

Many people find that they are more comfortable sitting in their home environment and ‘chatting’ to a person via a computer screen. There is the benefit of having expert support without the hassle of travel to sessions and everything that involves. Other people prefer to work at their own pace via personal development courses or self help books

To discover which type of coaching would best be suited to your own situation drop me an email at and take advantage of a full (free) discovery call or browse around this site for more information.

Jane Clements Life Coach posing on a cliff top

Jane Clements Life Coach: do what makes you happy